Fundamentals of Transdisciplinary Concepts and Methodology of Sustainable Development

socioMokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2015
Lukyanova Tatiana, Lead specialist, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2015

Fundamentals of Transdisciplinary Concepts and Methodology of Sustainable Development

ABSTRACT:In the article conceptual and methodological difficulties in realizing sustainable development issue and finding ways to solve it are analysed. The statement of need to create and apply new scientific approaches and new scientific tools is given to solve the problem of sustainable development.

The practicability of using this approach as an approach and a necessary tool of transdisciplinary approach and trans-disciplinary models of spatial, informational and temporal order unit is justified.

Keywords: Sustainable development, methodology, transdisciplinarity, transdisciplinary approach.

Reference:  Mokiy V.S., Luk'janova T.A. Fundamentals of Transdisciplinary Concepts and Methodology of Sustainable Development. Universum: Social Sciences. 2015, no 5 (15). Available at:  (Accessed 10 November 2015). (In Russian).

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