Transdisciplinarity (F.A.Q)

lo 24Frequently asked questions about transdisciplinarity and a systems transdisciplinary approach 97 answers to frequently asked questions give an idea of the transdisciplinarity current development.

For convenience, the questions and answers are divided into several sections:

The transdisciplinarity place in acquiring new knowledge sequence elements structure

1. What is transdisciplinarity?

Transdisciplinarity is designates the enhancement of intellectual activity in the environment of interdisciplinary interactions that contributes to the maximum expansion of the scientific worldview horizon of the disciplinary specialists.

2. What а methodological tools are used to maximize the expansion of the scientific worldview horizon?

The role of such tools is played by a transdisciplinary approach and a systems transdisciplinary approach.

3. What is Transdisciplinary approach?

Transdisciplinary approach is a combination of unique methods of expanding the scientific worldview horizon within the framework of the philosophical picture of a Whole world by integrating and synthesizing disciplinary knowledge.

The transdisciplinary approach is the basis of multidisciplinary interactions of a certain type, which were called transdisciplinary research. However, in each case, transdisciplinary research requires searching for a new method. Therefore, they cannot be taught at universities.

4. What is Systems transdisciplinary approach?

Systems transdisciplinary approach is a universal method of expanding the horizon of the scientific worldview within the framework of the philosophical picture of a One and Only world by unifying and generalizing disciplinary knowledge. The systems transdisciplinary approach is the basis of the specialized scientific discipline called "Systems Transdisciplinarity". As a discipline, a systems transdisciplinary approach can be taught at a university and used in forming a certified systems transdisciplinary specialist.

5. What are acquiring new scientific knowledge sequence elements?

The acquiring new knowledge sequence main elements are:

- Context-method;

- Approach-method;

- Reception-method;

- Study procedures.

6. Which question does the context-method, approach-method and reception-method answer?

- Context-method answers the question "what is the research object essence?" (Note. The context-method makes it possible to clarify that among the three fruits lying on the table - one object is a pear, the second object is an apple, the third object is a plastic salt shaker skillfully made in an apple form);

- Approach-method answers the question “what to study?”;

- Reception-method answers the question "how to study?".

7. Which element in the acquiring new knowledge sequence corresponds to transdisciplinarity approach and systems transdisciplinary approach?

Transdisciplinarity approach and systems transdisciplinary approach corresponds to context - method.

It should be taken into account:

- Transdisciplinarity approach in the generalized classification of approaches of modern science forms the context of research based on the maximum obvious essence of the object;

- Systems transdisciplinarityapproach in the generalized classification of systems approaches forms the context of research based on the essence of the object as an element of a One Orderly Medium.

The place of transdisciplinarity among the modern science approaches

8. What is academic science approaches?

The academic science approaches are intended, first, to obtain the knowledge maximum possible amount about an object and their classification, as well as to form the theoretical principles and disciplinary research techniques.

9. What approaches form a modern science approaches generalized classification?

The generalized classification of modern science approaches consists:

four types of academic approaches:

- Disciplinary approach;

- Interdisciplinary approach;

- Interdisciplinary approach;

- Transdisciplinary approach.

And four types of systems approaches:

- Systems disciplinary approach;

- Systems interdisciplinary approach;

- Systems multidisciplinary approach;

- Systems transdisciplinary approach.

10. How many approaches can exist in modern science?

In modern science, there can be many specialized approaches, and each of them must correspond to the identification characteristics of one of the approaches in their generalized classification.

11. What identifying characteristics characterize scientific approaches?

Scientific approaches are characterized by three main identifying characteristics:

- A world picture presence that determines the scientific worldview horizon;

- A scientific research certain method presence;

- A perceived certain level moral responsibility presence for the theoretical research and professional activity results and consequences.

12. How do disciplinary, interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches differ?

- A disciplinary approach ensures a scientific worldview formation;

- An interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach provides the scientific worldview horizon with a consistent, practically useful expansion.

About the transdisciplinarity development main directions

13. What role did the Rome Club founders play in the transdisciplinary approach emergence?

The Rome Club founders were the first to draw the scientists and specialists attention to two circumstances:

- The need for a special scientific approach to predicting the multifactorial modern society development;

- For the moral and ethical requirements' presence that should be presented to this approach.

14. What do the transdisciplinarity development main directions emerge at the seminar "Interdisciplinarity - research and training problems in universities" (Paris, September 1970)?

At the seminar "Interdisciplinarity - research and training problems in universities" (Paris, September 1970), two main directions for the transdisciplinarity development emerged:

- "Transdisciplinarity for science (Transdisciplinarity of scientific research)";

- "Transdisciplinarity for education (Transdisciplinary meta-discipline)".

15. What is the fundamental difference between the terms "Transdisciplinarity for science" (Transdisciplinarity of scientific research) and "Transdisciplinarity for education (Transdisciplinary meta-discipline)"?

- The direction "Transdisciplinarity for science (Transdisciplinarity of scientific research)" is aimed at substantiating a unique method of researching each complex object and multifactorial problem;

- The direction "Transdisciplinary science (transdisciplinarity of higher education)" is aimed at using a universal method of researching complex objects and multi-factor problems, which is the basis of meta-discipline (systems transdisciplinarity).

16. Which scientists laid the foundations for the directions "Transdisciplinarity for science (Transdisciplinarity of scientific research)" and "Transdisciplinarity for education (Transdisciplinary meta-discipline)"?

- The idea of transdisciplinarity of the Swiss psychologist and philosopher J. Piaget laid the foundation for the "Transdisciplinarity for science (Transdisciplinarity of scientific research)" direction;

- The idea of transdisciplinarity of the Austrian astrophysicist and philosopher, one of the Rome Club founders, E. Jantsch laid the foundation for the "Transdisciplinarity for education (Transdisciplinary meta-discipline)" direction.

17. What factors hinder the "Transdisciplinarity for science (Transdisciplinarity of scientific research)" direction development?

Are there three main factors hindering the "Transdisciplinarity for science (Transdisciplinarity of scientific research)" development direction?

- Difficulties in establishing interpersonal relationships;

- Language problem - a language lack for interdisciplinary communication;

- Lack of desire in the scientific community to create a transdisciplinary research universal method.

18. What factors hinder the "Transdisciplinarity for education (Transdisciplinary meta-discipline)" direction development?

The "Transdisciplinarity for education (Transdisciplinary meta-discipline)" direction development is hindered by three main factors:

- Persuading the universities teaching staff in the reasons' absence for the "disciplinary boxes” boundaries destruction;

- Reputable scientific journals editorial policy, which gives preference to publications of disciplinary and interdisciplinary scientists and practitioners;

- Founders unwillingness transdisciplinarity some types to see transdisciplinarity in the meta-discipline image.

About the basic meanings, types and forms of Transdisciplinarity

19. What is the "Transdisciplinarity" term meaning?

The term “Transdisciplinarity” has five meanings:

- As a declaration proclaiming and protecting the equal rights of famous and little-known scientists, large and small scientific disciplines, cultures and religions, in the surrounding world study;

- As a high level of a particular person education, versatility, knowledge universality;

- As a rule, the surrounding world research;

- As an organizing scientific knowledge principle, which opens up wide possibilities for the many disciplines interaction in solving complex problems of nature and society;

- As one of the systems approach types, acting in the meta-discipline "Systems transdisciplinarity" form.

20. What forms of transdisciplinarity exist?

There are three transdisciplinarity forms:

- Theoretical form, which is related to the transdisciplinarity itself and its methodology study;

- Phenomenological form that is able to combine theoretical principles with observable experimental data to predict further results;

- Experimental form that, when conducting experiments, uses a clearly defined procedure that has an acceptable level of reproduction of both the procedure itself and its results for the scientific community.

21. What transdisciplinarity types are there?

There are five transdisciplinarity types:

- Transdisciplinarity-0, using the illustrative potential of artistic metaphor and figurative language as its basis;

- Transdisciplinarity-1, which denotes the formal relationship of scientific disciplines in the complex scientific research implementation;

- Transdisciplinarity-2, meaning a closer internal connection between disciplinary knowledge and the researcher personal experience, including meditation;

- Transdisciplinarity-3, associated with the general metaphors use that have fundamental cognitive meaning;

- Transdisciplinarity-4, associated with a world special picture (transdisciplinary reality), which is the meta-discipline (Systems transdisciplinarity) basis.

22. What approaches are associated with the term "weak" transdisciplinarity?

The term "weak" transdisciplinarity is associated with a transdisciplinary approach in the scientific approaches generalized classification. This type of transdisciplinarity is based on a general scientific picture of the world.

23. What approaches are associated with the term "strong" transdisciplinarity?

The term "strong" transdisciplinarity is associated with the systems transdisciplinarity approach in the systems approaches generalized classification. This type of transdisciplinarity is based on the philosophical picture of a One and only world (unicentrism).

{spoiler = On the differences between the philosophical categories "Whole" and "One"}

24. What is the difference of the Platon's "Whole" category and the Plotin's "One"?

- For Platon (427 BC— 347 BC), the whole consists of parts. Outside the context of the whole world its parts have an independent meaning;

- For Plotin (204— 270), a one consists of elements-fragments. Outside the context of a one and only world, its elements-fragments have no independent meaning.

25. Why the perception of the whole world becomes more complicated, and a one and only world is simplified?

- Parts (objects) of the whole world are not limited in the choice of connections and in the implementation of relations. This circumstance leads to an increase in the uncertainty and the whole world perception complexity;

- Elements-fragments (objects) of a one and only world are limited by the general order in the choice of connections, in the relations implementation and the achievement of the common goals. This circumstance leads to an increase in the uncertainty and a one and only world perception complexity.

26. What different picture of the world holism and unicentrism?

- In the holism concept, the world is an integrated set of objects;

- In the unicentrism concept, the world is a One Orderly Medium in which objects are its natural fragments.

On the unicentrism philosophical aspects

27. What is Unicentrism?

- In a broad sense, unicentrism is a position in philosophy and science on the relationship problem between the One and its fragments. This position is based on the total isomorphism of the models of spatial, temporal, and informational units of the general order, which determines the internal organization and external interaction of the fragments of the One.

- In a narrow sense, unicentrism is a "philosophy of unity" developed by the Russian philosopher Vladimir Mokiy. He also introduced the "unicentrism" term in 2009.

28. What axioms form the "Unicentrism" concept basis?

The unicentrism concept consists of four axioms:

- The world is one and only;

- The unity of the world determines the general order;

- The general order is associated with a transdisciplinary system;

- Isomorphic models of the transdisciplinary system, in the form of spatial, informational and temporal units of order, make it possible to unambiguously understand, cognize and describe the world in its unity.

29. What role do philosophical categories play in the concept of uni-centrism: space, information, time, system, function, energy, development, goal?

- Space, information, time, and the system play a One Orderly Medium transdisciplinary form elements role;

- Function, energy, development, goal play a One Orderly Medium transdisciplinary content elements' role.

30. What does the term "potency" mean in the unicentrism concept?

In the unicentrism concept, potency is the prospective futurity of One Orderly Medium.

31. How do the terms "space, information, time" relate to the term "potency"?

- Space – as a form of existence of potency of One Orderly Medium;

- Information – as a form of manifestation of potency of One Orderly Medium;

- Time – as a form of transformation of potency of One Orderly Medium.

32. What is the advantage in the knowledge of the world given by the term "One Orderly Medium"?

The term "One Orderly Medium" makes it possible to imagine and explore a one and only world in all its diversity.

33. What is the advantage in the knowledge of the world given by the term " general order"?

The term "General order" provides an opportunity to generalize disciplinary knowledge of the world through isomorphic systems transdisciplinary models of general unit of order.

34. What is the essence of total isomorphism?

The essence of total isomorphism consists in the similarity of structure, fragments of space, signs of information and time periods in systems transdisciplinary models of order units, which can be used to describe each object of a one and only world.

35. What is the "Systems transdisciplinary model unit of order"?

The systems transdisciplinary model unit of order is a logically complete device and a harmonious combination of fragments of space, attributes of information and periods of time within a one and only world, within each fragment, at every reality level.

36. What is a functional ensemble?

A functional ensemble is a collection of objects that are in stable connections and relationships, united by one goal.

37. What are the main types of functional ensembles?

- The main types of functional ensembles are vertical and horizontal functional ensembles.

- The main types of functional ensembles are natural, social, man-made and mixed functional ensembles.

38. What are vertical functional ensembles?

The vertical functional ensemble is a reality different levels objects set, forming a certain object (atoms, molecules, substances, plants, animals within the planet).

39. What are horizontal functional ensembles?

The horizontal functional ensemble is a reality the same level similar objects set (atoms in the composition of a molecule; people within society, etc.).

40. How is the term "Truth" interpreted in the unicentrism concept?

Truth is all the way it really should be for the world to remain one.

41. How is the term "Reality" interpreted in the unicentrism concept?

The Reality is all the way it is in reality.

42. What is the fundamental feature of scientific cognition of the world?

Scientific cognition is an orderly process. In accordance with the systems transdisciplinary models of information and temporal units of order, after a certain periods number completion, stages and cycles in the scientific cognition of the world, the science development "vertical" vector (setting and achieving fundamental scientific goals) will inevitably change to a "horizontal" vector of development (setting and achieving public good goals, and preserving the environment).

On the characteristic features of modern systems thinking

43. What are the objective shortcomings of modern systems thinking?

The objective disadvantages of modern systems thinking are:

- Ambiguity and amorphousness;

- Systems sciences (their concepts and methodologies) are still at the stage of formation;

- the systemic community is represented by a variety of specializations and a high level of fragmentation in its area of knowledge and worldview.

44. What are the main reasons for the emergence of deficiencies in systems thinking?

The main reasons contributing to the appearance of deficiencies in systems thinking are:

- Viewpoints excessive variety on the "system" concept meaning;

- The progress slowness in a systems general theory creation;

- The variety of terms used within the system specializations;

- The lack of a system domain model capable of becoming an academic discipline.

45. What reasons prevent the creation of the General Systems Theory as a rigorous scientific theory?

The following reasons prevent the creation of the General systems theory as a strictly scientific theory:

- Lack of a developed systems worldview based on appropriate ontological and epistemological foundations;

- Lack of generally accepted concepts and definitions (categorical base) of the systems worldview;

- The lack of a logical idea of what scientific content should be invested in the principles of systems consideration of objects and what is the place of these principles in the system of modern scientific knowledge;

- Lack of substantiation of the principles of isomorphism.

46. Why is it inappropriate to use disciplinary approaches in systems research?

Modern cognitive tools have a pronounced analytical nature and are not suitable for analyzing the integrity, hierarchy and organization inherent in the system.

47. What are the main aspects of the concept of "System" in modern science?

In modern science, the concept of "System" is considered from the position of three main aspects:

- As a set of parts that make up an object (traditional aspect);

- As a relationship between parts of an object (traditional aspect);

- As an order that determines the internal unity of the object itself as part of One Orderly Medium (systems transdisciplinary aspect).

About generalized classification of systems approaches

48. What kinds of systems approaches make up their generalized classification?

The generalized classification of systemic approaches consists of four types of approaches, which also play the role of ways to expand the horizon of the scientific worldview:

- Systems disciplinary approach;

- Systems interdisciplinary approach;

- Systems multidisciplinary approach;

- Systems transdisciplinary approach.

49. What methodology do systems approaches use?

- Systems disciplinary approach allows you to apply to the study of an object, as to a local disciplinary system, an appropriate systems disciplinary methodology;

- Systems interdisciplinary approach allows you to apply to the study of the object, as a local interdisciplinary system, complementary systems disciplinary methods-techniques;

- Systems multidisciplinary approach allows applying to the study of an object, as to an integral multidisciplinary system, an appropriate complex of systems disciplinary methodologies;

- Systems transdisciplinary approach allows applying a general systems transdisciplinary methodology to the study of an object as a single transdisciplinary system.

50. What systems approaches are more dependent on the empirical description of the procedures of systems research, supported by their rigorous mathematical expression?

Two systems approaches depend on the empirical description of the system research procedures, supported by their strict mathematical expression:

- Systems disciplinary approach;

- Systems interdisciplinary approach.

51. What systems approaches are more dependent on the existing general philosophical decisions, on the image of the natural-scientific picture of the world?

Two systems approaches depend on the existing general philosophical solutions and the image of the natural-scientific picture of the world:

- Systems multidisciplinary approach;

- Systems transdisciplinary approach.

52. By what year, according to the model of development of the direction of "Transdisciplinarity for education", the systems transdisciplinary approach will be recognized in the field of higher education as an independent meta-discipline?

Under the pressure of the urgent need to solve complex multifactorial problems of modern society, the systems transdisciplinary approach will be recognized in the field of higher education as a meta-discipline in September 2026.

About the systems transdisciplinary model of informational unit of order

53. What is measured by the "Philosophical measure"?

The “Philosophical measure” is used to measure the interval of quantitative changes within which the qualitative definiteness of the object is preserved.

54. What is measured by the “Systems transdisciplinary measure”?

The "Systems transdisciplinary measure" measures the interval of manifestation of complete information, during which the object retains its generalized significance.

55. What is the "Systems transdisciplinary model of informational unit of order"?

The systems transdisciplinary model of informational unit of order is a logically completed sequence of the main types, subspecies and attributes of complete information in a transdisciplinary system, which allows substantiating the meaningful boundaries of the object's potency manifestation.

56. What disciplinary knowledge is considered “necessary and sufficient”?

Disciplinary knowledge is recognized as "necessary and sufficient" if the researcher was able to prove their compliance with the main types, subspecies or attributes of complete information in the systems transdisciplinary model of informational unit of order.

57. What concepts does the systems transdisciplinary analysis of information used?

Within the framework of a systems transdisciplinary analysis of information, three concepts are used:

- Information balance;

- Information imbalance;

- Information tension.

58. What is the information balance?

Information balance is the state of complete information of an object, in which the activity and/or a number of carriers of quantitative and qualitative information returns to the average values at the end of the cyclic process.

59. What is the information imbalance?

Information imbalance is a state of complete information of an object, in which the activity and/or a number of carriers of information of a quantitative or qualitative type does not return to the average values at the end of the cyclic process.

60. What is the first type of information imbalance?

An imbalance of the first type is a state of complete information of an object in which the activity and/or a number of quantitative information carriers exceeds the activity and/or a number of qualitative information carriers at the end of the cyclic process.

61. What is the second type of information imbalance?

An imbalance of the second type is a state of complete information of an object, in which the activity and/or a number of carriers of qualitative information exceeds the activity and/or a number of carriers of quantitative information at the end of the cyclic process.

62. What is information tension?

Information tension is a designation for the deformation of complete information that occurs under the influence of various negative factors.

63. How many zones can the information tension have?

Information tension has four zones.

64. How does the general state of an object change in the direction from the first to the fourth zone of information tension?

In the direction from the first to the fourth zone of information tension, the general state of the object is characterized from minor failures in the functioning of the object in the first zone to the complete cessation of the functioning of the object in the fourth zone of information tension.

65. What does the term “Semantic forecast threshold” mean?

The semantic threshold of the forecast denotes a specific amount of information stress (zone), which determines the real possibility of negative events of certain content.

On the system transdisciplinary model of spatial unit of order

66. What is the "Systems transdisciplinary model of spatial unit of order"?

The systems transdisciplinary model of spatial unit of order is a logically completed construction of fragments of space in a transdisciplinary system, which makes it possible to substantiate the physical boundaries in which the potential of an object exists, manifests and transforms.

67. What is the difference between static and dynamic aspects of the systems transdisciplinary model of spatial unit of order?

- The static aspect demonstrates the structure of the zones of functional belonging in the systems transdisciplinary model of the spatial unit of order;

- The dynamic aspect demonstrates the order of increment of the sizes of spatial fragments in the systems transdisciplinary model of spatial unit of order.

68. What are the zones of natural functional belonging?

Zones of natural functional belonging are fragments of the systems transdisciplinary model of spatial unit of order, which is a form of existence of reference and real information of a quantitative and qualitative type.

69. What zones of natural functional belonging does the systems transdisciplinary model of spatial unit of order have?

The systems transdisciplinary model of a spatial unit of an order has four zones of natural functional belonging:

- Zone of reference information of a qualitative type (fragment I);

- Zone of reference information of quantitative type (fragment II);

- Zone of real information of quantitative type (fragment III);

- Zone of real information of a qualitative type (fragment IV).

70. Why does the deterioration of the general condition of the territory cause the deterioration of the indicators of objects and processes in fragment III of the model of spatial unit of order?

The deterioration of the indicators of objects and processes in fragment III occurs because in this fragment the greatest desire to manifest the state of real parameters will experience information of a quantitative type.

71. Why an arbitrary division of a fertilized sea urchin egg in an experiment on different planes led to different results of its further development.

Different results arose as a result of a random combination of fragments related to quantitative and qualitative information, or to information of only quantitative type, or to information of only qualitative type.

72. What is the principle used to create a hardware-analytical complex "ECOLOG +" to predict negative natural and man-made events?

When creating a hardware-analytical complex "ECOLOG +" to predict negative natural and man-made events, the principle of resonance of the structure of the dosimeter elements of this complex was used, with the structure of zones of natural functional belonging to the territory to be monitored.

73. How is the systems transdisciplinary model of spatial unit of order applied in solving the problems of urban planning?

The systems transdisciplinary model of s spatial unit of order is used at the stage of pre-design analysis to select and substantiate the zones and boundaries of the placement of objects in accordance with the characteristics of the zones of natural functional belonging to the territory.

74. How can you make the learning process more efficient by using a certain order of students' placement in the classroom?

To enhance the efficiency of the process of assimilation of knowledge by students, the teacher must promptly adjust the style, volume and depth of presentation of the new educational material of the upcoming lecture in accordance with the filling of the zones of natural functional belonging of the audience space by students.

On the systems transdisciplinary model of temporal unit of order

75. What is the "Systems transdisciplinary model of temporal unit of order"?

The systems transdisciplinary model of the temporal unit of order is a logically completed sequence of time periods in the transdisciplinary system, which makes it possible to substantiate the semantic boundaries of the duration of the transformation of the potency of an object.

76. What types of systems transdisciplinary model of temporal unit of the order are used for methodological purposes?

For methodological purposes, five types of models are used:

- Multiplex model;

- Stage model;

- Impulse model;

- Progressive timeline model;

- Model of the annual cycle.

77. What does the Multiplex model demonstrate?

The multiplex model demonstrates the distribution of influence and synchronization of the results of soft and hard programs for the appropriate transformation of the object's potency.

78. What do the long waves of the multiplex represent?

Long waves of the multiplex (Base wave and Setting waves) reflect periods within the calendar duration of which the development of objects and functional ensembles of objects has a predetermined character.

Note. Predetermination is shown through the consequence of inevitable results of the object's development and functional ensemble of objects. Predetermination is the guarantee that despite of individuality of object, functional ensemble of objects and also their influence on external and internal factors of their final development of certain stages, phases and periods of time will reach strictly defined qualitative and quantitative results. Absence of such predetermination would not allow other objects and functional ensembles of objects on one or another level of reality to use these results of transformation of matter and its potency timely. This would lead to termination of existence of the One world. In this case long waves of the multiplex play role a hard development program.

79. What do the short waves of the multiplex represent?

The short waves of the multiplex (Calibration waves and Supporting waves) reflect the periods within the calendar duration of which the development of objects and functional ensembles of objects is in the nature of a predisposition (a tendency or tendency to act in a certain way) to achieve certain results.

Note. In comparison with predetermination, predisposition allows objects and functional ensembles of objects to fully reveal and complete its individuality in development. Individuality of object or functional ensemble of objects is shown in results of development, which, as a rule are formed under influence of internal and external factors (conditions) The external and internal factors, intensiveness of their influence may significantly change during development. Reacting to this influence, objects and functional ensembles of objects are able to get more or less closer to individual results of their development and to the results, which require a predetermined nature of development. Therefore, current results of individual development of objects and functional ensemble of objects have to periodically synchronize and orderly distributed for the periods of short waves, herewith forming obvious signs of development. In this case, short waves of multiplex play role of a soft development program.

80. What is a multiplex “Checkpoint”?

The checkpoint is the date of the end of a certain wave of the multiplex, by which it is supposed to achieve certain results of the expedient development of the object.

81. What is the" Critical point" of the multiplex?

The critical point is the date of the transition of a certain wave of the multiplex from the quantitative stage to the qualitative stage of development, to which the accumulation of the necessary resources is supposed to allow the object to achieve the results of the nearest checkpoint.

82. What does the Stage model demonstrate?

The stage model demonstrates a consistent acceleration of the appropriate transformation of the object's potency.

83. What does the Impulse model demonstrate?

The impulse model demonstrates the distribution of saturation events that accompany the appropriate transformation of the object's potency.

84. What defines the Progressive timeline model?

The progressive timeline model demonstrates the calendar duration of periods of inorganic, organic and social history, to the study and description of which multiplex, stage and impulse models are applicable.

85. What determines the Model of the annual cycle?

The model of the annual cycle demonstrates the structure of periodically repeating periods that determine the cyclical nature of the appropriate transformation of the object's potency.

86. What kinds of periods does the human Model of the annual cycle include?

The human model of the annual cycle includes:

- Five types of periods related to human physiology;

- Two types of periods related to human psychology.

On the methodological aspects of the new model of the world socio-economic order

87. What problems is the Theory of ternary counterpoints intended to solve?

The Theory of ternary counterpoints is designed to solve interpersonal and interstate problems that impede the effective management of sustainable development of modern society.

88. What systems transdisciplinary models of unit of the order are generalized by the Theory of ternary counterpoints?

The Theory of ternary counterpoints generalizes the model of spatial and informational units of order.

89. What is a ternary counterpoint?

The ternary counterpoint is an interconnected set of three subspecies of a truly intelligent person, within which the development of one subspecies of a person playing the role of a "deep people" is set and supported by two other subspecies of a person.

90. What is “A-counterpoint”?

A-counterpoint is a subspecies of a truly intelligent person who does not directly interact with the "deep people".

91. What does the concept of "deep people" mean?

The "deep people" are the bearers of the original socio-cultural codes of a certain subspecies of a truly intelligent person.

92 What subspecies of Man Truly Reasonable form a modern society?

- Sedentary Man;

- Social Man;

- Humanistic Man;

- Liberal Man.

93. What types of states of modern society form subspecies of Man Truly Reasonable?

Subspecies of Man Truly Reasonable form four types of states:

- State of Sedentary type;

- State of Social type;

- State of Humanistic type;

- State of Liberal type.

94. What are the axioms of strengthening the subspecies of Man Truly Reasonable?

The axioms of strengthening are the results of positive life experience, which took the form of statements of basic moral and ethical principles, the content of which makes it possible to identify a subspecies of Man Truly Reasonable.

95. What is the axiom of strengthening the basic type of knowledge?

The axiom of strengthening the basic type of knowledge is the result of rational thinking, the content of which makes it possible to identify a strictly defined type of knowledge.

96. What basic types of knowledge are used in the Theory of Ternary Counterpoints?

There are four types of knowledge used in the Theory of Ternary Counterpoints:

- knowledge of unconditional type;

- knowledge of intuitive type;

- knowledge of empirical type;

- knowledge of speculative type.

97. What subspecies of a Man Truly Reasonable is the initiator of the problems of modern society?

The initiator of the problems of modern society is a Liberal Man who, in 2016, is in the middle of his Identification stage of development (1792-2240).

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