From the Philosophy of Science – to the Imperatives of Sustainable Development

socioMokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2015
Lukyanova Tatiana, Lead specialist, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2015

From the Philosophy of Science – to the Imperatives of Sustainable Development

ABSTRACT:The importance of ecological imperative for the safety of stable development of modern society is substantiated through the lenses of transdisciplinarity. The article expands the existing conception of chemical evolution and describes natural mechanisms of directed transformation of the planetary matter.

It reveals the meaning of cyclic recurrence of development of super-continents in the geological history of the planet, leading to the formation of the planetary matter required for further active transformation of biological objects, which are supposed to take part in that transformation. An assumption is made and substantiated that stable development is under control of the planetary and extraplanetary objective organizing compounds, which present effective mechanisms of appraisal and compulsion of objects of living and non-living matter to strictly definite results of activity and interactions. The article emphasizes a need of transdisciplinary enforcement of normative compound of social sciences with a focus on correction of knowledge about man and society with further formation of a world-view common to all mankind. It is suggested that revolutionary development of the society built upon the principles of the French Revolution (1792) “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” will be accomplished by 2016. Transdisciplinary research reveals and substantiates the beginning of the period of steady development of the society, which is based on the principles of ecological, economic and social imperatives.

Keywords: Sustainable development, world order, ecological imperative, transdisciplinary, transdisciplinary approach.

Reference: Mokiy V.S., Luk'janova T.A. From the Philosophy of Science – to the Imperatives of Sustainable Development. Universum: Social Sciences. 2015, no 10 (19). Available at:  (Accessed 11 November 2015).

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