Transdisciplinary Improvement of the Present Air Transportation Safety System

techMokiy Vladimir,
Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2015

Transdisciplinary Improvement of the Present Air Transportation Safety System

ABSTRACT: Despite a low number of airplane accidents in comparison with the overall number of flights in the world, they could not be eliminated. Airplane safety depends on different conditions, which include natural, technical and human factors. Therefore, airplane accidents are connected, mostly, with unforeseen emergencies.

Application of transdisciplinary concepts and methods of the transdisciplinary approach to study such accidents made it possible to find out some patterns, connected with individual characteristics of every single plane. These characteristics are determined by year cycles of the natural technical condition change. After special studies its was possible to establish that more than 80 % of airplane accidents and about 100 % of airplane crashes happen in so-called calendar periods of increased sensitivity (PICs). These periods are evenly spread in an individual calendar year of every plane, which begin on the day of its first flight. Specialized computer programs allow to calculate durations of PICs for different planes. Thereby, there is an evidence to introduce transdisciplinary approach to the present airplane safety system. Transdisciplinary improvement of airplane safety can make it possible to eliminate any risks, connected with airplane transportations.

Keywords: Transdisciplinarity, transdisciplinary approach, aviation security, Airbus and Boeing plane crash.

References: Mokiy V.S. Transdisciplinary improvement of the present air transportation safety system. Universum: Technical Sciences. 2015,no 11 (22). Available at: (Accessed 25 November 2015). (In Russian).

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