The limits to growth. 40 years later: transdisciplinary rethinking

socioMokiy Vladimir,
Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2015

The limits to growth. 40 years later: transdisciplinary rethinking

ABSTRACT:In 1968, a group of scientists and public men organized a non-profit organization known as the Club of Rome. Famous reports of the Club of Rome drew attention of ordinary people and leaders to the necessity to take into account limited supply of planet resources under a constant economic growth.

The article analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of the system world view of Club of Rome members and groups of experts, who were instructed to carry out research on global problems of mankind. Proofs of the full potency of ideology systemic transformation was shown which made meaningless the continued use of a mathematical model of "peace" on which numerous studies have been carried out the limits of growth. Attention is drawn to the fact that it was initiated by members of the club and transdisciplinary approach got its development. The assumption is justified that the transition in the activities of the club with the system philosophy to transdisciplinary will contribute to its rebirth. The renew Club of Rome could make its activities more effective if added to the practice reports of the development of transdisciplinary practice technologies that address global socio-political, socio-economic and other problems of the modern mankind. If necessary, these technologies could act as an effective deterrent to international tensions.

Keywords: transdisciplinarity, transdisciplinary approach, reports of the Club of Rome, system, system approach, the new world economic and social order

Reference: Mokiy V.S. The limits to growth. 40 years later: transdisciplinary rethinking. Universum: Social Sciences]. 2015, no 12 (21). Available at: (Accessed 4 January 2016).

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