Transdisciplinary method of strengthening interdisciplinary synthesis of socio-economic and of humanitarian knowledge

socio3Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2016

Transdisciplinary method of strengthening interdisciplinary synthesis of socio-economic and of humanitarian knowledge

ABSTRACT: Modern Russian science is actively looking for a synthesis methodology of scientific disciplines and disciplinary knowledge. This problem is solved in two ways: in the framework of applied and fundamental research. Applied research allows carrying out an interdisciplinary collaboration of specialists in the composition of temporary creative teams to solve practical problems.

Interdisciplinary in fundamental research is made difficult by the lack of interdisciplinary language and justification of validity criteria of acquired knowledge. Therefore, this article attempts to use logical tetrads as intermediate forms that arise between the object and the subject in the learning process as a methodological tool of interdisciplinary synthesis of socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge. The assumption is justified that the organization of synthesis of disciplinary knowledge on the basis of logical tetrads reinforced by sole centrism principles (unity) will bring the socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge to such a degree of scientific rigor and validity which contributes to find a solution to the problem of effective management of socio-economic development. In turn, the method of building logical tetrads will be important for the compilation of the interdisciplinary research passport and the determination of signs necessary for identification of interdisciplinary work in the disciplinary science stream.

Keywords:  Interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, system, the synthesis of scientific knowledge.

Reference: Mokiy V.S. Transdisciplinary method of strengthening interdisciplinary synthesis of socio-economic and of humanitarian knowledge. Universum: Social Sciences. 2016, no. 8 (26). Available at: . (Accessed 29 August  2016). (In Russian).

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