Transdisciplinary foundations of a general theory of systems as an academic scientific discipline.

u 39Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2017
Transdisciplinary foundations of a general theory of systems as an academic scientific discipline.

ABSTRACT:The goal of this article is to practically and constructively support an invitation to unify efforts to form the concept and methodology of the general system theory as academic discipline.

The author tries to suggest possible philosophic principles of the general system theory as strong scientific theory with usage of philosophic concept of unicentrism. The article explains some definitions that may have been used as basics for possible categorical base of systemic world-view and general system theory. Also, it gives a suggestion that general system theory may either have a broad meaning, as a combination of systemic approaches, or a narrow meaning, as academic discipline. In this case, they can successfully compliment each other. The authors try to justify thesis of crucial role of general system theory not only for fundamental scientific research, but also systemic explanation of a new model of the world social and economic order.

Keywords:system, general system theory, system theory, transdisciplinarity, transdisciplinary system approach. A Typology for the Systems Field. Systema, 4(1), Special Issue – General Systems Transdisciplinarity.

Reference: Mokiy V.S. Transdisciplinary foundations of a general theory of systems as an academic scientific discipline. Universum: Social Sciences. 2017, no. 9 (39). Available at:  (Accessed 28 September 2017). (In Russian).

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