Prospects of training of generalists in the structure of higher education

un8Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018

Prospects of training of generalists in the structure of higher education

ABSTRACT:In the article the assumption is substantiated that among various factors preventing the solution of complex multifactor problems of the modern society, an important place is occupied by the absence of specially trained specialists in the structure of higher education - generalists.

The generalist is a specialist who can generalize all possible opinions and knowledge about the object of research by means of system approaches and methods. Therefore, special attention is paid to the description of models of natural mental perception of all possible opinions and knowledge through a spatially visual form (Generalist’s Gestalt) in the article. In the generalization of opinions and knowledge, the main role is played by the generalist’s worldview and systemic thinking. Therefore, the article suggests that the development of strategies and plans for training Hololist generalists and uniformists will give a new impulse to the development of the theory of common systems as a combination of system methodologies and the general theory of systems as an independent scientific discipline.

Keywords: generalists, transdisciplinarity, systems approach, synthesis of knowledge.

Reference: Mokiy V.S. Prospects of training of generalists in the structure of higher education. Universum: Psychology and education. 2018, no. 3 (45). Available at: (дата обращения: 08.03.2018). (In Russian).

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