International Standard of Transdisciplinary Education and Transdisciplinary Competence

isMokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2019

International Standard of Transdisciplinary Education and Transdisciplinary Competence

Aim/Purpose: The year 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of the first official definition of the term “transdisciplinarity.” This paper focuses on a critical analysis of the development of modern transdisciplinarity since its inception.

Background: The article presents two main directions for the development of transdisciplinarity. It also shows its identification features, strengths, and weaknesses, as well as the significant role transdisciplinarity plays in science and education.

Methodology:The methodology employed in this article is a content analysis of resolutions of international forums as well as articles on transdisciplinarity published from 1970 to 2019.


The External and Internal Planet’s Limits to Growth: Transdisciplinary Rethinking

ij 2019Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2019

Lukyanova Tatiana, Lead specialist, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2019

The External and Internal Planet’s Limits to Growth: Transdisciplinary Rethinking

ABSTRACT: In 1972, the club of Rome organized a comprehensive study of external planet's limits to growth. The study of the external limits was carried out using the classical model of the dynamic system. The image of the system, however, did not allow the exploration of the internal limits to growth. In this case, we are talking about the behavior and actions of people, about a possible gradual change in their consciousness and mind. These changes can have a significant impact on the sustainable development of human society.


Training Generalists in Higher Education: Its Theoretical Basis and Prospects

isMokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2019

Training Generalists in Higher Education: Its Theoretical Basis and Prospects

Aim/Purpose: Absence of new scientific approaches and specialists (generalists), who professionally obtain such approaches, is one of the main reasons for an ineffective solution of complex multifactor problems of the modern society.

Background: The article briefly describes the concept of systems transdisciplinary integration of knowledge of different scientific disciplines. Also, it shows an opportunity to use this concept education of generalists in higher education.

Methodology: The article highlights the idea of gestalt of knowledge, which is based on systems transdisciplinary model of spatial unit of order. It describes the basis of gestalt-of-the-one and gestalt-of-the-whole. Also, it explains the differences and practical capabilities of holist generalists and unicentrist generalists.


Imperatives of Sustainable Development from the Perspective of Systems Transdisciplinary Approach

Theatlas 2019Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2019

Lukyanova Tatiana, Lead specialist, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2019

Imperatives of Sustainable Development from the Perspective of Systems Transdisciplinary Approach

ABSTRACT: The article provides an attempt to solve the challenges of attaining the goals of the final document “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” by means of the systems transdisciplinary approach concept and methodology. To achieve this, the author expands the existing concept of chemical evolution and describes natural mechanisms of directed transformation of the planetary matter. The article reveals the meaning of cyclic recurrence of development of supercontinents in geological history of the planet leading to the formation of the planetary matter required for further active transformation of biological objects, which are supposed to take part in that transformation. The author assumes and substantiates that stable development is controlled by the planetary and extraplanetary objective organizing compounds, which present effective mechanisms of appraisal and compulsion of objects of living and non-living matter to strictly definite results of activity and interactions. He shows the results of long-term and medium-term modeling of the development of modern society. The conclusion of the article describes the possibility of using methodology of systems transdisciplinary approach in organizing sustainable development since 2016.


World Social and Economic Development in the Theory of Ternary Counterpoints

esj 23Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2019

Lukyanova Tatiana, Lead specialist, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2019

World Social and Economic Development in the Theory of Ternary Counterpoints

ABSTRACT: The need to adapt the process of knowledge of the world to the achievement of socially meaningful goals by society has contributed to the formation and consolidation at the genetic level of the corresponding megastructure of neuron connections in the brain. The presence of different types of knowledge indicates the presence of different subspecies of people. Subspecies of people differ in the mega-construction of neuronal connections in the brain. This particular mega-structure of neuron connections allows you to focus on the formation and perception of a strictly defined type of knowledge in the process of knowing the world. The use of methodology of the systems transdisciplinary approach makes it possible to identify the natural mechanism of interaction between various types of knowledge and various subspecies of people. This mechanism is implemented in the framework of the Ternary Counterpoint. The task of the Ternary Counterpoint is to provide “gain axioms”. Axioms of reinforcement contribute to the addition of a set of axioms that define the essence of the types of knowledge and subspecies of people. They are able to set and control, as well as maintain and develop this essence. The interaction within the framework of the Ternary Counterpoint is carried out by special people-hybrids. These people possess a hybrid mega design of neuron connections in the brain. Such people began to be called generalists. It is possible that the emergence of departments for the training of generalists will become a distinctive feature of third-generation institutions.


Systems Transdisciplinary Approach in the General Classification of Scientific Approaches

titulMokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2019

Systems Transdisciplinary Approach in the General Classification of Scientific Approaches.

ABSTRACT: The development of systems thinking and systems worldview needs new types of system approaches. New types of systems approaches should find their place in the appropriate classification of scientific approaches. The article attempts to substantiate the natural connection of classical scientific approaches with their system analogues. This relationship is manifested in the General classification of scientific approaches from the mono-disciplinary approach to the systems transdisciplinary approach. The definitions of the approaches in such a classification are distinguished by identification features and functional features. Classification allows you to consciously use these definitions within a single semantic field of scientific knowledge. The streamlining of scientific approaches within the framework of such a classification makes it possible to give a rationale for a wide range of interdisciplinary interactions in modern science.


Using the Systemic-Transdisciplinary Approach to Enhance the Operational Reliability and Maintenance Programming of Complex Technical Objects

Theatlas 2019Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2019

Using the Systemic-Transdisciplinary Approach to Enhance the Operational Reliability and Maintenance Programming of Complex Technical Objects

ABSTRACT: The complexity of technical objects is constantly increasing. A single accident or failure on such complex technical objects may cause large human losses, inflict damage on the environment, and be accompanied by severe economic losses. Generally, these single accidents and failures are caused by force-majeure circumstances. The circumstances can be identified, as well as further controlled using the methodology of various types of systemic approach. These types of systemic approach are enhanced not only by the new mathematical methods, but also by the general philosophical solutions. The methodology of systemic-transdisciplinary approach particularly uses models of spatial, time and information units of order.


World economic and social development in the theory of the trinity counterpoints

6 59Mokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2019

Lukyanova Tatiana, Lead specialist, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2019

World economic and social development in the theory of the trinity counterpoints

ABSTRACT: Arguments about the nature and limits of scientific knowledge have not yet been completed. There is a main reason for which experts did not come to a common opinion. This reason is that the reasoning about knowledge is divorced from the reasoning about the people who form this knowledge. The need to adapt the process of knowledge of the world to the achievement of socially meaningful goals by society contributed to the formation and consolidation at the genetic level of the corresponding mega-structure of neuron connections in the brain. Therefore, the presence of different types of knowledge indicates the presence of different subspecies of people. Subspecies of people differ in the mega-construction of neuronal connections in the brain. This particular mega-structure of neuron connections allows you to focus on the formation and perception of a strictly defined type of knowledge in the process of knowing the world.


Interdisciplinary scientific conference “Problems of the development of Israel's territorial sea"

niMokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018


World outlook aspects of the concept of development of the territorial sea of Israel.


ABSTRACT: Development of the territorial sea of Israel is associated with a complex multisectoral problem. For the solution of such problem it is necessary to combine efforts of experts of many scientific directions. Such association can be carried out within several types of system approach. Each type of system approach is characterized by a certain level of scientific outlook. To each level scientific outlooks there corresponds the level to moral responsibility for possible negative consequences of development of the territorial sea of Israel.


Social and economic development from the position of the systemic-transdisciplinary worldview

konMokiy Vladimir, Director, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018

Lukyanova Tatiana, Lead specialist, Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies (Russia), 2018

Social and economic development from the position of the systemic-transdisciplinary worldview.

ABSTRACT: Justification of creation and the use of the new methodological tools necessary for a research of social and economic development is given. The practicability of using this approach as an approach and a necessary tool of systemic-transdisciplinary approach and systemic-transdisciplinary models of spatial, informational and temporal order unit is justified. Multiplex of development is a methodological instrument of transdisciplinary approach. Multiplex includes all the combination of different calendar duration development waves. Within the multiplex these waves play role in intensive and soft development programs.


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cal   25.07.2024



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