Curriculum Vitae


 M Room

Mokiy Vladimir

Age: 67

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Skype: Vladimir mokiy







Employment History

1982-1993    Worked in organisations dealing with development and implementation of computer technologies.

Position:        Senior Engineer.


1993-1995         International Institute of Biosphere Informatics "InterEcoInform", Faculty of Biology, of  Moscow State University.

Position:        Head of the Scientific Research Laboratory

Key Responsibilities:

  • Took part in developing the fundamental principles of Transdisciplinarity.
  • Created and improved methods of transdisciplinary approach in philosophy, science, clinical and preventive medicine, ecology, education.
  • Developed scientific and research programs on major activities of the Institute.
  • Supervised writing scientific articles and books on transdisciplinary theory and practice.
  • Supervised the work done for contacts with national and international organisations on scientific and technical issues.
  • Organised the study of the spatial and temporary factors on the development of the biological objects.


1995-1996    International Rerich Center, Social Pedagogical Association “Education and Upbringing”, Moscow, Russia.

Position:        Head of the Laboratory for the Strategic Planning of Teaching.

Key Responsibilities:

  • To take part in developing the fundamental principles of Transdisciplinarity in education.
  • Created and improved methods of transdisciplinary approach in spatial and temporal factors.
  • Written scientific articles and books on practical implementation of Informological theory in education.


1996-2003     Kabardino-Balkarsky State University, KBR, Nalchik, Russia.

Position:        Head of the Scientific Research Laboratory of Informological Planning and Forecasting.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Teaching of methodology of the students’ study processes.
  • Research of the spatial and temporal factors in professional sport.


1998-2003        Informological Institute AG, Zurich, Switzerland.

Position:           Head of Research.

Key Responsibilities:

  • To take part in developing the fundamental principles of Transdisciplinarity in medicine.
  • Director of Representation of Informological Institute AG in Russian Federation
  • Created and improved the methods of transdisciplinary approach in philosophy, science, clinical and preventive medicine, ecology, education.
  • Developed scientific and research programs on major activities of the Institute.
  • Supervised writing of scientific articles and books on Informological theory and practice.
  • Developed concepts of individual prophylactic medicine.
  • Developed concepts in making of medication of “new generation”.


2002 - 2004      Informological Institute Pty Ltd (Perth, Australia).

Position:           Head of Research.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Took part in developing fundamental principles of Transdisciplinarity in National Security.
  • Created Informological Institute’s product lines (ie Global Logic, Business Logic, Sport Logic, Eco Logic and Security Logic).
  • Trained of specialists-consultants for Informological Institute Pty Ltd;
  • Conducted seminars for professionals and general public on various Informological concepts.


2005 to 2007   International institute of transdisciplinarity, NGO (ANO), Nalchik, Russia.

Position:           Head of Research.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Created and improved the methods of transdisciplinary approach in philosophy, science, clinical and preventive medicine, ecology, education.
  • Developed scientific and research programs on major activities of the Institute.
  • Supervised writing of scientific articles and books on transdisciplinary theory and practice.


2007 to present -  Institute of  Transdisciplinary Technologies, Nalchik, Russia.

Position:           Director, Head of the Russian School transdisciplinarity.

  Took part in the development of the main provisions of the Concept of Transdisciplinarity, in developing and improving procedures Transdisciplinary Approach in the field of philosophy, ecology, economy, preventive medicine, education, national security. The developer of research programs on major activities of the Institute. Responsible for contacts with government and international organizations on scientific and technical matters.More than twenty years of experience in Transdisciplinarity, Methodology and Technology Transdisciplinary approach.The author of 13 books and over 40 articles on the Theory and Methodology of Transdisciplinarity.



1977         Bachelor of Engineering, Economics.

2000         Professor of Informology.  “Information, Communication, Control in Engineering, Nature, and Society” International Academy, St Petersburg, Russia.

2001         Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Planning and Management of the Organization of Scientific Research) of “Information, Communication,Control in Engineering, Nature, and Society” International Academy, St-Petersburg, Russia.


Professional Memberships

1990             Head of the Russian School of Transdisciplinarity.

1998             Member of the Russian Academy of Industrial Ecology, Moscow, Russia.

1999             Member of the International Academy of Informatization, Moscow, Russia.

2000             Member of the International Academy of “Information, Communication and Control in Engineering, Nature and Society”, St Petersburg, Russia.

2013             Member of the Society of Architects of Russia.

2015             Member of the Russian Philosophical Society.

2016             Member of the International Academy of Organizational Sciences (Interdisciplinary Alliance of Researchers in the Field of Organizational Sciences), Moscow, Russia.

2017             Member of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science (BCSSS), Vienna, Austria. Member of the Research Group Systems Science and Philosophy (BCSSS).

2022             Individual Founding Member of the ITD Alliance.

2022             Member of the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research (CIRET, France).


Participation in international projects

2023            International project "Formation of a systemic transdisciplinary worldview in the higher education system (2023-2026)", (in cooperation with the International Center for Transdisciplinary Studies, Paris, France);

2023            International project "Developing a philosophical, conceptual, and methodological framework for planning, forecasting, and managing the sustainable development of a liberal stage civilization (2023-2030)", (in cooperation with the International Center for Transdisciplinary Research, Paris, France).




121. Mokiy, V. S. (2024). Global conflict: Analysis of non-political factors and possible non-violent solutions in the context of sustainable development. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 15, 355-380.

120.  Mokiy, V. S. (2024). Systems transdisciplinarity chair as pathway to fulfill global ‘Social Orders. In Cristina Elena Popa Tache, Hubert Landier, Leonardo da S.G. Martins da Costa & Mariana Thieriot Loisel (Eds.). For an International transdisciplinary chair: From knowledge to the future, Volume II, Bucharest, Paris, Calgary, ADJURIS – International Academic Publisher.

119. Mokiy, V. S. (2024). Transdisciplinarity and Artificial Intelligence in the service of Sustainable Development of society. Proceedings of the CIRET Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Human Mediation (November 21-22, 2023). In L. Costa and M. Thieriot (Eds.), ATLAS Publ. 61-65.


118. Mokiy, V. S. (2023). On the question of the responsibility of universities for achieving the results of development and continuous self-renewal of the society. Universum: Psychology and education. 9(88), 11-16.


117. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2022). Manifesto for systems transdisciplinarity (2023-2030).  Universum: Social sciences. 9(88).

116. Mokiy, V.S., & Lukyanova, T.A. (2022). Sustainable development of nature and society in the context of a systems transdisciplinary paradigm. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 13, Special Issue on Complex Resilience and Sustainability. Transdisciplinary Perspectives, In G. del Cerro Santamaría (Ed.), 15-35.

115. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2022). Prospects of Integrating Transdisciplinarity and Systems Thinking in the Historical Framework of Various Socio-Cultural Contexts. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 13, pp. 143-158.

114. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2022). Modern transdisciplinarity: Results of the development of the prime cause and initial ideas. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, 19, 97-120.

113. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2022). Development of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in modern Russian science and higher education. In B. V. Baptista and J. T. Klein (Eds.), Institutionalizing Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity Collaboration across Cultures and Communities. Routledge, Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9780367654344

112. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2022). Covid-19: Systems transdisciplinary generalization, technical and technological ideas, and solutions. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 25, 1-21.

111. Mokiy V. S. (2022). Способы объективного контроля общего состояния урбанизированной территории [Methods of objective control of the general condition of the urbanized territory]. НаукаFest-2022: сборник материалов всероссийских и региональных научно-практических конференций и круглых столов / отв. ред.: Н.М. Лавренюк-Исаева. – Уфа: РИЦ УУНиТ, стр. 153-156 с. ISBN 978-5-7477-5601-4


110. Mokiy, V., & Lukyanova, T. (2021). Transdisciplinarity: Marginal Direction or Global Approach of Contemporary Science? Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 24, 001-018.

109. Mokiy V. S., & Lukyanova T. A. (2021). Трансдисциплинарность: стереотипы, подходы и направления [Transdisciplinarity: stereotypes, approaches and directions]. Universum: Social sciences, 3(72).

108. Mokiy, V. S. (2021). Information on the information. Systems transdisciplinary aspect. Universum: Social sciences. 1-2(71)

107. Mokiy, V. S. (2021).  Information on the time. Systems transdisciplinary aspect. Universum: Social sciences. 1-2(71)

106. Mokiy, V. S. Lukyanova, T. A. (2021) Методология научных исследований. Трансдисциплинарные подходы и методы (Methodology of scientific research. Transdisciplinary approaches and methods). 2nd ed. Moscow, Yurayt. URL:

105. Chochiev, A. M., & Mokiy, V. S. (2021). Forecasts of the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Russia’s Development in 2020. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 12, pp.9-11.




104. Mokiy, V. S. (2020). Information on the Space. Systems Transdisciplinary Aspect. European Scientific Journal, ESJ, 16(29), 26-41.




103. Mokiy, V. S. (2019a). International standard of transdisciplinary education and transdisciplinary competence. Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 22, 73-90.


102. Mokiy, V. S. (2019b). Training generalists in higher education: Its theoretical basis and prospects. Informing Science: the International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 22, 55-72.


101. Mokiy, V. S. (2019c). Systems transdisciplinary approach in the general classification of scientific approaches. European Scientific Journal. Vol. 15, no 19, ESJ July Edition, 247-258.


100. Mokiy, V. S. (2019d). Using the systemic-transdisciplinary approach to enhance the operational reliability and maintenance programming of complex technical objects. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, Vol. 10, 133-145. Retrieved from


99. Mokiy, V. S. (2019e). Что такое трансдисциплинарность? [What is transdisciplinarity?]. N. ARDIS. no 3, 122-130. Retrieved from


98. Mokiy, V. S. (2019f). Системные трансдисциплинарные аспекты философии и методологии управления [Systems transdisciplinary aspects of management philosophy and methodology]. Collection of materials of the XII International scientific and practical interdisciplinary Symposium "Reflexive processes and control" October 17-18, 2019, Moscow, Kogito-Center, 138-142. Retrieved from


97. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2019a). The external and internal planet’s limits to growth: Transdisciplinary rethinking. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 9, No. 9, September 2019, 134-144.


96. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova T. A. (2019b). World Social and Economic Development in the Theory of Ternary Counterpoints. European Scientific Journal. Vol. 15, no 23, ESJ August Edition, pp. 12-27. DOI:


95. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2019c). Imperatives of Sustainable Development from the Perspective of Systems Transdisciplinary Approach. Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering & Science, 10.


94. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova T. A. (2019d). Мировое социальное иэкономическое развитие в теории троичных контрапунктов [World social and economic development in the theory of ternary counterpoints. Universum: Social science. no 6(57). Retrieved from




93. Mokiy, V. S. (2018a). Перспективыобучениягенералистоввструктуревысшегообразования [Prospects for training generalists in the structure of higher education]. Universum: Psychology and education, 3(45). Retrieved from


92. Mokiy, V. S. (2018b). О перспективах использования методологии общей теории систем в исследовании космических объектов [Prospects for using the methodology of General systems theory in the study of space objects]. Science Time. (56), 30-48. Retrieved from


91. Mokiy, V. S. (2018c). Мировоззренческие аспекты концепции освоения территориального моря Израиля [Worldview aspects of the concept of development of the territorial sea of Israel]. Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary scientific conference "Problems of development of the territorial sea of Israel". November 29, Netanya (Israel), Israeli independent Academy for the development of science, 20-25. Retrieved from


90. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2018a). К вопросу определения объекта экономической науки [On the issue of determining the object of economic science]. Universum: Economics and law, 8(53). Retrieved from


89. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2018b). Социально-экономическое развитие с позиции системно-трансдисциплинарного мировоззрения [Socio-economic development from the perspective of a system-transdisciplinary worldview]. Proceedings of the V International scientific and practical Conference-Biennale “System analysis in Economics-2018”, November 21-23, 2018, Moscow. Prometheus, 29-32. Retrieved from




88. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2017a). Методология научных исследований. Tрансдисциплинарные подходы и методы [Methodologyofscientificresearch. Transdisciplinary approaches and methods]. Urait Publ. ISBN 978-5-534-05207-7 Retrieved from


87. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2017b). Междисциплинарные взаимодействия в современнойнауке: подходы и перспективы [Interdisciplinary interactions in modern science: approaches and perspectives]. Economic science of modern Russia, 3(78), 7–21. Retrieved from


86. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2017c). Классификация научных подходов – основа эффективного исследования мегаисториии глобальной эволюции [Classification of scientific approaches-the basis for effective research of global history and global evolution]. Theses of V international scientific Congress "Globalistics", (Moscow, September 25-30, 2017). Moscow, Faculty of global processes, Lomonosov Moscow state University.


85. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2017d). Общая классификация научныхподходов [General classification of scientific approaches]. Proceedings of the Second Russian scientific conference “Academic world in interdisciplinary practices”. Rostov-on-Don, June 22-24, 2017), vol. 2, part 1, Sectional reports. Southern Federal University. Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, 233-243.


84. Mokiy, V. S. (2017). Трансдисциплинарные основания общей теории систем, как академической научной дисциплины [Transdisciplinary foundations of General systems theory as an academic scientific discipline]. Universum: Social science, 9(39). Retrieved from




83. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukianova, T. A. (2016). От дисциплинарности к трансдисциплинарности в понятиях и определениях [From disciplinarity to transdisciplinarity in concepts and definitions]. Universum: Social sciences, 7(25). Retrieved from


82. Mokiy, V. S., Notkin, А. V., & Urickij, М. L. (2016). Трансдисциплинарные технологии в архитектуре [Transdisciplinary technologies in architecture]. Proceedings of the II International scientific and practical conference "Innovative approaches and modern science", Vol. 3, May 31, 2016, Kiev, 84-91.


81. Mokiy, M. S., & Mokiy V. S. (2016a). Использование междисциплинарного синтеза знаний в решении проблем социально-экономического развития [Use of interdisciplinary synthesis of knowledge in solving problems of socio-economic development]. Socio-economic problems of our time: Search for interdisciplinary solutions. Abstracts of reports and presentations by participants of the International conference "XXIV Kondratiev readings ", Moscow, November 16-17, 2016, 145-146.


80. Mokiy, V. S., & Mokiy, M. S. (2016b). От дисциплинарности к трансдисциплинарности в федеральных государственных стандартах высшего образования [From disciplinarity to transdisciplinarity in Federal state standards of higher education]. Universum: Social science, 9 (27). Retrieved from


79. Mokiy, V. S. (2016a). Трансдисциплинарность в современном научном познании: теория и методология [Transdisciplinarity in modern scientific knowledge: Theory and methodology]. Materials of the scientific seminar “Interdisciplinarity in modern scientific discourse: Theory and practice”. Southern Federal University. Rostov-on-Don, Southern Federal University, 12-24;


78. Mokiy, V. S. (2016b). Трансдисциплинарное развитие основных тезисов системной экономической парадигмы [Transdisciplinary development of the main theses of the systeme conomic paradigm]. Proceedings of the Russian scientific conference " Interdisciplinarity in modern social and humanitarian knowledge”, Rostov-on-Don, June 22-23, 2016. Southern Federal University, 306-317.


77. Mokiy, V. S. (2016c). Механизм самоорганизации химических веществ в физиологических процессах: трансдисциплинарный аспект [Mechanism of self-organization of chemicals in physiological processes: transdisciplinary aspect]. Universum: Chemistry and biology, 11(29). Retrieved from


76. Mokiy, V. S. (2016d). Трансдисциплинарный метод усиления междисциплинарного синтеза социально-экономического и гуманитарного знания [Transdisciplinary method for strengthening the interdisciplinary synthesis of socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge]. Universum: Universum: Social science, 8 (26). Retrieved from


75. Mokiy, V. S. (2016e). Трансдисциплинарное усиление методов территориального планирования (К итогам IX сессии Национальной Гильдии Градостроителей, Нальчик, 28-30 января 2016 г.) [Transdisciplinary strengthening of territorial planning methods (To the results of the IX session of the National guild of urban planners, Nalchik, January 28-30, 2016)]. Managing the evolution of the area, 1, 66–69. Retrieved from



74. Mokiy, V. S., & Besedin, S. A. (2015). Трансдисциплинарное усиление междисциплинарных и мультидисциплинарных методов изучения и прогнозирования землетрясений [Transdisciplinary strengthening of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary methods for studying and predicting earthquakes] Science Time, 6 (18). 319-330. Retrieved from


73. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2015a). Императивы и максимы экономических отношений: Трансдисциплинарныйаспект [Imperatives and maxims of economic relations: transdisciplinary aspect]. Collection of publications of the scientific journal "Globus "Based on the materials of the III International scientific and practical conference "Economics and law: theory and practice". St. Petersburg, November 18, 2015, 8-17. Retrieved from


72. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2015b). От философии науки – к императивам устойчивого развития [From the philosophy of science to the imperatives of sustainable development]. Universum: Social science,10 (19). Retrieved from


71. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2015c). Анализ риска стратегических целей ЮНЕСКО (2014-2021) [Risk analysis of UNESCO's strategic goals (2014-2021)]. Universum: Social science, 8-9 (18). Retrieved from


70. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2015d). Основы трансдисциплинарной концепции и методологии устойчивого развития [Fundamentals of the transdisciplinary concept and methodology of sustainable development]. Universum: Social science, 5 (15). Retrieved from


69. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2015f). Трансдисциплинарные аспекты массовых вымираний в биосфере Земли (логика и прогнозы) [Transdisciplinary aspects of mass extinctions in the Earth's biosphere (logic and forecasts)]. Universum: Chemistry and biology, 5 (13). Retrieved from


68. Mokiy, V. S. (2015a). Трансдисциплинарное усиление существующей системы безопасности авиаперевозок [Transdisciplinary strengthening of the existing air transportation security system] Universum: Technical science, 11 (22).Retrieved from


67. Mokiy, V. S. (2015b). Пределы роста. 40 лет спустя: Tрансдисциплинарное переосмысление [Limits of growth. 40 years later: Transdisciplinary reinvention]. Universum: Social science, 12 (21). Retrieved from


66. Mokiy V. S. (2015c). Мегаистория в трансдисциплинарной системе координат [Megastore in transdisciplinary coordinate system]. Theses of the IV international scientific Congress "Globalistics", Moscow, October 25-30, 2015. Moscow: Faculty of global processes of Lomonosov Moscow state University, 2015.


65. Mokiy, V. S. (2015d). Систематизация и интеграция дисциплинарных знаний в трансдисциплинарном исследовании [Systematization and integration of disciplinary knowledge in transdisciplinary research]. Universum: Social science, 6 (16). Retrieved from


64. Mokiy, V. S. (2015f). Мировой порядок в трансдисциплинарной системе координат [World order in a transdisciplinary coordinate system]. Universum: Social science,4 (14). Retrieved from


63. Mokiy, V. S. (2015g). Трансдисциплинарные аспекты человеческого мировоззрения [Transdisciplinary aspects of the human worldview]. Universum: Social science, 4 (14). Retrieved from


62. Mokiy, V. S. (2015h). Антропологические аспекты развития экономических систем [Anthropological aspects of the development of economic systems]. Universum: Economics and law, 3 (14). Retrieved from


61. Mokiy, V. S. (2015i). Основы трансдисциплинарной теории мультиплексных волн развития [Fundamentals of the transdisciplinary theory of multiplex development waves]. Universum: Social science, 1-2 (12). Retrieved from




60. Mokiy, M. S., Mokiy, V. S., & Nikiforov, А. L. Методология научных исследований {Methodology of scientific research]. Moscow. UraitPubl., ISBN: 978-5-9916-4853-0


59. Mokiy, M. S., & Mokiy, V. S. (2014a). Прогнозы кризисов в свете теории длинных волн Н.Д. Кондратьева [Forecastsofcrises in the light of the theory of long waves by N. D. Kondratiev]. IX international Kondratiev conference "New model of economic growth: theoretical constructions and real policy". Reports and Abstracts of conference participants, 280-282.


58. Mokiy, M. S., & Mokiy, V. S. (2014b). Трансдисциплинарность в высшем образовании: Экспертные оценки, проблемы и практические решения [Transdisciplinarity in higher education: expert assessments, problems and practical solutions]. Modern problems of science and education, 5. Retrieved from


57. Mokiy, M. S., & Mokiy, V. S. (2014c). Системное решение проблем социально-экономического развития республик Северо-Кавказского Федерального округа [System solution of problems of socio-economic development of the republics of the North Caucasus Federal district] Golden square, 6. RetrievedfromURL:


56. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2014a). Истина и справедливость с позиции трансдисциплинарности-4 [Truth and justice from the perspective of transdisciplinarity-4]. Nalchik. АNОIТТ. Retrieved from


55. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2014b). Анализ результатов выступления спортсменов на зимней олимпиаде Сочи-2014 с использованием трансдисциплинарного подхода [Analysis of the results of athletes 'performance at the Sochi 2014 winter Olympics using a transdisciplinary approach]. Materials of the 2nd scientific and practical conference" Innovative technologies in training athletes". Moscow, Center for sports innovative technologies and training of national teams, 108-118. Retrieved from


54. Mokiy, V. S. (2014a). Периодизация социально-экономического развития в контексте трансдисциплинарного подхода [Periodization of socio-economic development in the context of a transdisciplinary approach]. Science Time, 8 (8), 210-218. Retrieved from


53. Mokiy,V. S. (2014b). Трансдисциплинарный аспект биохимии человеческого организма [Transdisciplinary aspect of biochemistry of human body]. ScienceTime, 12 (12), 362-368. Retrievedfrom


52. Mokiy, V. S. (2014c). Трансдисциплинарный метод неразрушающего контроля особо опасных, технически сложных и уникальных объектов [Transdisciplinarymethodofnon-destructivetestingofespeciallydangerous, technicallycomplexanduniqueobjects]. Universum: Technical science, 9 (10). Retrieved from


51. Mokiy, V. S. (2014d). Трансдисциплинарное развитие основных тезисов «Идеи всеобщей истории во всемирно-гражданском плане» Иммануила Канта» [Transdisciplinary development of the main theses of Immanuel Kant's "Ideas of universal history in the world-civil plan"]. Proceedings of the VII International scientific and practical conference. (St. Petersburg, September 30, 2014). Vol. 3, 29-39. Retrieved from


50. Mokiy, V. S. (2014f). Трансдисциплинарные технологии в архитектурном проектировании [Transdisciplinary technologies in architectural design]. Universum: Technical science, 10 (11). Retrieved from




49. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2013). Пути к здоровью исповедимы [Paths to health are invisible]. Golden square, 3. Retrieved from URL:


48. Mokiy, V. S. (2013a). Планета и человечество в процессе Большого Взрыва [Planet and humanity is in the process of the Big Bang]. Nalchik, АNОIТТ. Retrieved from


47. Mokiy, V. S. (2013b). Инновационные методы мониторинга и сохранения экосистем горных и предгорных территорий [Innovative methods of monitoring and conservation of the ecosystems of mountain and foothill territories]. Eco-potential 3-4, 153-159. Retrieved from


46. Mokiy, V. S. (2013c). Определение сущности трансдисциплинарной методологии [Defining the essence of transdisciplinary methodology]. Proceedings of the XIV Regional scientific and practical conference "self-organization Processes in modern society", March 2013, Volgodonsk Institute of Economics, management and law (branch) Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don.


45. Mokiy, V. S. (2013d). Трансдисциплинарные технологии в архитектурном проектировании [Transdisciplinary technologies in architectural design]. The Second architectural festival of the North Caucasus interregional Association of the Union of architects of Russia - "Traditions and innovation in the architecture of the North Caucasus". Nalchik, 31 October 2 November 2013.


44. Mokiy, V. S. (2013d). Однополые браки - закон природы или социальное беззаконие? [Is same-sex marriage a law of nature or a social lawlessness?]. Golden square, 4. Retrieved from URL:


43. Mokiy, V. S. (2013). Проблемы развития и сохранения горных и предгорных экосистем республикСеверного Кавказа [Problems of development and conservation of mountain and foothill ecosystems in the North Caucasus republics]. Golden square, 5. Retrieved from URL:


42. Mokiy, V. S., & Berova, F. G. (2013). Обоснование необходимости поиска ииспользования новых путей испособоврешения демографических проблем [Justification of the need to find and use new ways and means of solving demographic problems]. Heritage. Institute of Informatics and regional management problems of the Kabardino-Balkar Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Retrieved from




41. Mokiy, V. S. (2012). Трансдисциплинарность — взгляднауки XXI веканапроблемысовременногообщества [Transdisciplinarity — the view of science of the XXI century on the problems of modern society]. Golden square, 2. Retrieved from URL:


40. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2012a). Трансдисциплинарный аспект стратегического планирования [Transdisciplinaryaspect of strategic planning]. Golden square, 2. Retrieved from


39. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2012b). Методики системного подхода в организации профилактической и лечебной медицины [Methods of system approach in the organization of preventive and curative medicine]. The Russian conference "Current issues of obstetrics and gynecology: Aspects of rehabilitation and rehabilitation treatment”. Pyatigorsk, October 18-19, 2012. Pyatigorsk State Institute of balneology.




38. Mokiy, V. S. (2011a). Monodisciplinary dialectical transition to transdisciplinarity. International scientific and practical conference “The 75th anniversary of the National Institute of Technology of Mexico”. Mexico city, November 4-5, 2011.


37. Mokiy, V. S. (2011b). Методология трансдисциплинарности-4 [Methodology of transdisciplinarity-4]. Nalchik: ANOITT. Retrieved from


36. Mokiy, V. S. (2011c). Трансдисциплинарная философия ноуменального мира [Transdisciplinary philosophy of the Noumenal world]. Nalchik, ANOITT. Retrieved from




35. Mokiy, M. S., Mokiy, V. S., & Nikiforov, А. L. (2010). История и философия экономической науки. Философия и методология экономической науки [History and philosophy of economic science. Philosophy and methodology of economic science]. Moscow. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. SBN 978-5-7307-0719-1


34. Mokiy, M. S., Gridchina, А. V., Dobrynina, L. N., Mokiy V. S., & Nikiforov, А. L. (2010). Проблемы методологии экономических исследований [Problems of economic research methodology]. Moscow, Moscow State Open University. ISBN 978-5-7045-0967-7




33. Mokiy, V. S. (2009). Основы трансдисциплинарности [Fundamentals of transdisciplinarity]. Nalchik.: “Republican polygraph plant of the Revolution of 1905”. ISBN 978-5-9996-0011-0


32. Mokiy, V. S., & Lukyanova, T. A. (2009). Tools for integrating disciplinary knowledge in transdisciplinary research. International conference "Integration in inter- and transdisciplinary research: Forging Collective Concepts, Methods and Practices - Changing Structures", 19-21 November 2009, Berne, Switzerland.




31. Моkiy, V. S. (2002). The effectiveness of the transdisciplinary approach in decision taking within a society and nature, Forums “The Nature and Society Forum” (Dr. J. Schooneveldt) & “The Human Ecology Forum” (Jacqui Russell). ANU, Canberra,Australia.




30. Моkiy, V. S. (2001). The essence of the Informological Version of the Transdisciplinary Paradigm. Proceedings of the International Symposium “Paradigms Lost and Paradigms Gained Negotiating Interdisciplinary in the 21st Century”. May 9-12, Calgary.


29. Mokiy, V. S., & Borovkov, Е. I. (2001). Астробиологические и космические факторы в социальной анатомиии общей системе безопасности Российского гражданского общества [Astrobiological and space factors in social anatomy and General security system of the Russian civil society]. Proceedings of the scientific and practical conference of the Club of independent scientists "EURASIA" June 14, 2001 Obninsk, Russia.


28. Моkiy, V. S. (2001). Transdisciplinary Aspect of the Sustainable Development Management Know-How. Proceedings of the International Conference "EURO-ECO 2001: Co-operation of Decision-Makers, Scientists and Practitioners for the Promotion of Sustainable Development and European Integration". June, 18-19 Krakow, Poland.


27. Моkiy, V. S., Golota, М. B. (2001). Transdisciplinary Safety of the Global Brain Project. Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Global Brain. July 3-5, Brussels, Belgium.




26. Mokiy V. S., & Fedorenko, N. P. (2000). О возможности текущего и долгосрочного прогнозирования неблагоприятных (экстремальных) ситуаций для конкретного человека [About the possibility of current and long-term forecasting of adverse (extreme) situations for a particular person]. Russian scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the State research and testing Institute of military medicine, Ministry of defense of Russia "Military medicine at the turn of the 21st century" Moscow, December 2000.


25. Mokiy, V. S., Vinogradova, N. К., & Kislinskyа, N. V. (2000). Новые технологии в подходах к проблемам образования [New technologies in approaches to education problems]. Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Improving teacher training. Technologies on the threshold of the 21st century", March 2-3, 2000. Moscow, Russia.


24. Mokiy, V. S., Golota, М. B. (2000a). Catastrophism: General system approach to the analysis of natural cataclysms. Futures Research Quarterly. USA, Winter 2000. Vol. 16, no.4.


23. Mokiy, V. S., & Golota М.B. (2000b). Экспериментальная проверка влияния организации пространства на биологические тест-объекты [Experimental verification of the influence of space organization on biological test objects]. Problems of space security, Book No. 5, international Academy "Information, communication, management in technology, nature and society", St. Petersburg.


22. Mokiy, V. S., & Golota М.B. (2000c). Экспериментальная проверка влияния организации пространства на объекты небиологической природы [Experimental verification of the influence of space organization on objects of non-biological nature]. Problems of space security, Book No. 5, international Academy "Information, communication, management in technology, nature and society", St. Petersburg.


21. Mokiy, V. S., & Golota М.B. (2000d). Катастрофизм [Catastrophism]. Bulletin 4-3C, April 2000. International Academy "Information, communication, management in technology, nature and society", St. Petersburg.


20. Mokiy, V. S., Repyev, S. I., & Borovkov, Е. I. (2000a). Новое в системе знаний о Природе [New in the system of knowledge about Nature]. International Congress "Fundamental problems of natural science and technology", July 3-8, St. Petersburg. Russia.


19. Mokiy, V. S., Repyev, S. I., & Borovkov, Е. I. (2000b). Обеспечение безопасности морских, авиакосмических и других объектов [Ensuring the safety of marine, aerospace and other facilities]. Problems of space security, Book 6, international Academy " Information, communication, management in technology, nature and society”. St-Petersburg.


18. Mokiy, V. S., Repyev, S. I., & Borovkov, Е. I. (2000c). Теоретические основы космической безопасности [Theoretical foundations of space security]. Bulletin No. 4-2C, international Academy "Information, communication, management in technology, nature and society", St. Petersburg, April 2000.




17. Mokiy, V. S., Tamrazyan, А. G., & Golota, М. B. (1999). Информационно-мониторинговые методы эколого-экономической оценки состояния техноприродных объектов при ЧС природного и техногенного характера [Information monitoring methods of the ecological-economic assessment of anthropogenic objects in emergency of natural and technogenic character]. Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Ecological safety of construction", Moscow, November 25-26, 1999. Moscow, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering.


16. Mokiy, V. S., Shevchenko, А. V., Zhamborova, А. О., & Shegaj, О. Е. (1998). Использование пространственно-временных факторов в подготовке спортивных команд и отдельных спортсменов [The use of space-time factors in the preparation of sports teams and individual athletes]. Biomechanics and new concepts of physical education and sports training systems. Proceedings of the International scientific conference, Nalchik, October 5-7, 1999. Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkar State University, 118-120.


15. Mokiy, V. S, Golota, М. B. (1999). Использование общесистемного подхода для усиления существующих методов принятия решений [Using a system-wide approach to strengthen existing decision-making methods”. Scientific conference "System Analytics and decision-making problems" Moscow, July 1999, Lomonosov Moscow state University.


14. Mokiy, V. S, Nikiforov, А. L., Mokiy, M. S. (1999). Системно-информологический подход в познании и практике [Systemic informological approach in knowledge and practice]. Moscow, New Center.


13. Mokiy, V. S. Zhamborova, А. О. Shegaj, О. Е. (1999a). Пространственно-временные факторы в образовании [Spatio-temporal factors in education]. Moscow, New Center.


12. Mokiy, V. S., Zhamborova, А. О., & Shegaj, О. Е. (1999b) Информологическая конструкция гармоничного образования [Informational structure of harmonious education]. Moscow, New Center.


11. Mokiy, V. S, Zhamborova, А. О., Shegaj, О. Е. (1999c). Краткое введение в Информологию [Brief introduction to Informology]. Moscow, New Center.




10. Mokiy, V. S Zhamborova, А. О., Shegaj, О. Е. (1998). Метод информологического анализа [Method of informational analysis]. Moscow, New Center.


9. Mokiy, V. S, Shevchenko А.V. Информологическое картографирование территорий [Informational mapping of territories]. News of the Southern Federal University. Technical Sciences, 4 (10), 178-185.


8. Mokiy, V. S, Karamurzov, B. S., Shevchenko, А. V. (1998). Информологические аспекты безопасности объектов атомной энергетики и мест захоронения радиоактивных отходов [Informological aspects of the safety of nuclear power facilities and radioactive waste disposal sites]. News of the Southern Federal University. Technical Sciences, 4 (10), 185-192.




7. Mokiy, V. S., & Putincev А. I. (1997) Пространственная организация информации с позиции информологии [Spatial organization of information from the position of informology]. International scientific and practical conference "Systems Analysis at the turn of the Millennium: Theory and practice". Moscow, December 16-18, 1997. Lomonosov Moscow state University.


6. Mokiy, V. S., & Shegaj, О. Е. (1997). Информологические аспекты концепции гармонического образования. [Informological aspects of the concept of harmonic education]. Pedagogical Bulletin "Three keys". Moscow. Shalva Amonashvili Publishing House.


5. Mokiy, V. S. (1997a). Новые методы оценки экологической опасности [New methods of environmental hazard assessment]. Bulletin of the atomic energy Public Information Center, 1.


4. Mokiy, V. S. (1997b). Информологическая конструкция гармоничного образования. Spiritual and cultural heritage of E. I. and N. K. Roerich, 1-2.


3. Mokiy, V. S. (1997c). Этика человеческого мировоззрения [Ethics of the human worldview]. Spiritual and cultural heritage of E. I. and N. K. Roerich,1-2.




2. Mokiy, V. S. (1996). Особенности информационного пространства России [Features of the Russian information space]. World of fire, 11(3).




1. Mokiy, V. S. (1993). Новые подходы к оценке экологической ситуации в регионах. Экологическая безопасность регионов и рыночные отношения [New approaches to assessing the environmental situation in the regions]. Proceedings of the International conference "Ecological safety of regions and market relations”, Moscow, September 3-7, 1993. Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University.


Special Achievements

  • Medal of Gagarin Federation of Outer Space of Russia (for the Accomplishment of Scientific Research in the Outer Space Security), Cosmonautics Federation of Russia, 2001.
  • Badge “For Special Achievements in Science”, of International AcademySt- Petersburg, Russia, 2000.


Advanced Skills

  • Always achieves set tasks and goals.

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